TrafficGuard's New Business Exposure Mitigated Widget

Discover the Power of the Business Exposure Mitigated Widget

Introducing TrafficGuard's Business Exposure Mitigated widget. This tool provides unparalleled insights into the potential cost impact of blocked IPs on your campaigns. It calculates the financial exposure you avoid by excluding harmful interactions, ensuring your budget is protected from wasted clicks. Whether in detection or prevention mode, this widget empowers you to optimize ad performance and safeguard your ad spend. Explore this and other powerful tools on our new enterprise dashboard today.

Or in simpler words .... This “what if?” widget shows the potential cost if every blocked IP had clicked just one more time. It’s a great way to understand the broader impact of our protection.

How is it Calculated?

IPs added

Shows's the number of IPs we've added, which equates to users excluded from seeing your Ads

Exposure value

If all your excluded users (IPs) would have clicked at least one more time, this is the cost you would incur.

Exposure mitigated/value = Number of IPs added x 1 extra click x average CPC.

Learn more on all the new widgets in the enterprise dashboard.


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