Boosting Subscribers and Maximizing Budgets: Why Your Cybersecurity Strategy Should Extend to Ad Fraud

The rise of remote working and cloud-based environments has triggered important conversations about cybersecurity in telecoms. Robust security training is a guarantee in organizations concerned about the repercussions of fraud to their subscribers, employees, and budgets. Tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have also seen huge amounts of investment from telcos to preventing huge losses and boosting subscribers.
So why, when Juniper Research estimates that an advertiser displaying 1 million ads in a 24-hour period will pay for more than 100,000 fraudulent ads on average before detection, is this not being addressed? Telcos concerned with cybersecurity and fraud need to extend their cybersecurity coverage to cover advertising if they are to truly gain a competitive edge in the pursuit of new subscribers.
The Pain Points for Telcos
Invalid traffic refers to any clicks or impressions that may artificially inflate an advertiser’s costs. Invalid traffic is generated by actions that provide no legitimate value to the advertiser and covers both fraudulent activities as well as accidental clicks—in essence, any activity that doesn’t come from a real user with genuine interest is invalid. The impact is so great, that Juniper Research predicts the global cost of digital advertising fraud will reach $100 billion by 2023.
Often dismissed as solely the marketing team’s problem, ad fraud and invalid traffic impact every area of the business. This includes:
Compromised Campaign Data
Without complete certainty in the validity of traffic, telecom marketers may struggle to make efficient campaign optimisation decisions. Any changes they domake that are influenced by invalid traffic could be detrimental to campaign success. Data is gold in the world of digital marketing, so the cleaner and more accurate you can make your data, the better your campaigns will be.
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