May 7, 2019
min read
Ad fraud prevention Buyer’s Guide for ad networks

If you intend to use this component with Finsweet's Table of Contents attributes follow these steps:
- Remove the current class from the content27_link item as Webflows native current state will automatically be applied.
- To add interactions which automatically expand and collapse sections in the table of contents select the content27_h-trigger element, add an element trigger and select Mouse click (tap)
- For the 1st click select the custom animation Content 28 table of contents [Expand] and for the 2nd click select the custom animation Content 28 table of contents [Collapse].
- In the Trigger Settings, deselect all checkboxes other than Desktop and above. This disables the interaction on tablet and below to prevent bugs when scrolling.
From time consuming invoice reconciliations to restricted client campaign optimisation and potential reputation damage, the impacts of fraud for ad networks are significant and ultimately reduce your revenue and growth potential.
Fraud prevention is not a tick box exercise but a spectrum, with different solutions offering varying degrees of protection. But how do you find the most suitable and comprehensive solution for your business?
Download our handy Buyer’s Guide for ad networks to learn about:
- The three steps to identify the right anti-fraud solution for your business
- The various direct and indirect costs of ad fraud for ad networks
- The importance of surgically removing ad fraud in real-time
- How to differentiate true machine learning capabilities from marketing spin
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